MLB/美媒爆大都會開出天價11億年薪 薛則有望簽約

Antenna R&D and manufacturing

MLB/美媒爆大都會開出天價11億年薪 薛則有望簽約 - UDN 聯合新聞網

We have gone through 40 years of research and development process, and have more than 15 years of production experience in Taiwan. We currently have another factory in Vietnam to assist customers in the production and assembly of communication and electronic products and mechanical parts.

  1. MLB/美媒爆大都會開出天價11億年薪 薛則有望簽約  UDN 聯合新聞網
  2. MLB》大都會傳言搶到薛爾瑟 年薪上看4000萬美元  Yahoo奇摩新聞
  3. MLB》大都會穩了?美媒爆:薛哲準備簽下年均薪11億天價合約  自由時報電子報
  4. 大都會至少3年約均薪11億簽薛茲爾 創大聯盟最高年薪  ETtoday
  5. MLB》薛爾瑟3年36億殺進大都會 平均年薪比2隊還高  Yahoo奇摩新聞

 来自网站: 焦點新聞 - Google 新聞 




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